Meet The Breeder

After our family’s first year on the farm, I found a very different world than just your average backyard farm animal keeping. I decided to jump head first into the Standard-bred and exhibition poultry realm. We sold off most of our feed store and hatchery laying hens and mixed breeds and invested in purebred breeding stock. I joined the American Poultry Association and the American Bantam Association. After some trial and error, I chose my very favorite breeds and varieties to continue working with long-term and it has been so rewarding seeing improvement in my stock each season. I started exhibiting my birds at APA/ABA sanctioned shows in 2019 and have done really well! It’s a passion I never expected to see grow so much in such a short time, but I’m in for the long-haul.

© 2021 Summerland Photography

I aspire to become a licensed APA and ABA poultry judge in the future, likely after my own “chicks” leave the nest. I began judging county fair poultry and showmanship in 2019, and it has been a great learning experience. I judge a few fairs/livestock shows every summer. I’ve also been Poultry Project leader for my kids’ 4-H club. I really enjoy handling and evaluating birds and teaching youth. My passions are animal husbandry, education, and mentoring. I spend a lot of time studying poultry genetics, seeking out sound information and resource material, and studying the Standard of Perfection. I am probably the biggest chicken nerd you will find in my area. It’s just my thing.

I was a member of The Breeders Academy for a year and learned so much from my mentors there. I have served on the board of directors of The Marans Club, Marans Chicken Club USA, and the Ameraucana Alliance. These are two breeds I have developed a passion for and I really enjoy working with them. I am so excited to be able to help promote the breeds I love!

Feel free to ask me anything. I would be glad to help!
Thank you for being here.

Mindy Waters